As the name implies, Green for Good offers consumers an opportunity to live “green” and do good at the same time. Green for Good, based in Edmonds, Washington, provides an easy-to-access online marketplace for hundreds of organic and natural products. The company also donates at least 10 percent of its after-tax profits to ecologically friendly organizations.
Living Green
According to David Kaufer, Green for Good president and CEO, the Green for Good site features everything a consumer needs to live a "green" lifestyle, including organic food, clothing, cosmetics and beauty products, plus organic cotton beds, pet products, housewares, and much more.
"This is an ideal site for people to purchase practical items and do a lot of green window shopping and see unique products," Kaufer says. "We've thoroughly enjoyed selecting these products because it helped us realize how diverse the marketplace has become and how many choices customers now have."
Consumers Are Buying More Organic Products
According to the consumer research firm Mintel, consumers in 2005 are spending twice as much on organic food as they did in the 1990s and 44 percent of all organic foods now are being purchased at mainstream retail outlets. ACNielsen, a leading global provider of consumer and marketplace information found that the overall organic product sector has sustained strong product growth – up 14.4 percent in 2005 from the same period in 2004.
"There is no doubt that a green wave is rolling across the consumer marketplace," Kaufer says. "Whether it's the skyrocketing sales of the Toyota Prius, the national shortage of organic milk in grocery stores, or the increasing number of organic menu options in restaurants, consumers are demonstrating an increasing commitment to a green lifestyle. Green for Good is addressing this demand by providing an incredibly broad range of green, organic and eco-friendly products online..."
Green for Good is Growing
Green for Good started as an aggregator, providing a one-stop online location where consumers could purchase from many different companies that provide organic and natural products, but the company quickly began to sell products directly as well.
This dual trend has led some industry observers to suggest that Green for Good may have the potential to become the “green” for people who want to live a healthy lifestyle.
Green for Good is growing fast, adding dozens of green, organic and eco-friendly products and categories monthly. In addition, Green for Good is committed to actively supporting groups and organizations that focus on preserving and improving the environment, individual health and local communities, by donating a minimum of 10 percent of its after-tax profits to a selection of such organizations.
Kaufer says that by offering products through an online storefront, Green for Good even makes shopping for green products an eco-friendly activity. Online shopping limits the impact on natural resources, because no land is required for retail stores and gas consumption is reduced because of fewer deliveries.